
Autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et dolore feugait

Monthly Archives: December 2016

How to Perform a Cisco Router Password Recovery Without Losing Your Configuration

Forgot your Cisco router password?  Did you know you can change them without losing your configuration?  In this brief how-to, I will walk you through it. In order to perform a password recovery, you will need to reboot the router a couple of times.  This means downtime, but it is a good sacrifice to make in order to get your passwords reset.

First, hook up the DB9 end of the standard light blue serial cable to your serial port.  The other end of the cable should plug into the port labeled “Console” on the back of the Cisco router.  If you do  not have a serial port, then you’ll need to go purchase a USB-to-serial adapter cable and install it on your computer.
Now that your hardware is connected, establish a serial connection with the router.

The settings you need are:

Baud: 9600
Data bits: 8
Parity: No
Stop bits: 1
Flow Control: None

On Windows, I use putty for this connection.  Yes, putty can be used to make serial connections as well as telnet/ssh.  Hyperterminal works great as well.  On Linux, I use minicom and on FreeBSD/OpenBSD, I use cu (cu -s 9600 -l /dev/cuad0).

Reboot the router and press the Break key to interrupt the boot sequence.

For break key sequences, refer to this Cisco link:http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/hw/routers/ps133/products_tech_note0…

Type confreg 0x2142.  This tells the router to bypass NVRAM during bootup.  In other words, your existing configuration won’t be loaded.  The good news is that it won’t be deleted either.

Type reset to reboot the router.  Answer No when prompted to run setup.

Type copy start run.  This loads your startup configuration into memory.  Now, if you type a show run config, you’ll see the router configuration.  Also, you should notice that your router name is now in the prompt instead of the default “Router”.

Change the enable secret – “enable secret new_password

Change the register back to 0x2102:
config-register 0x2102

When the router reboots it will load the old configuration with the new password.

Save the password so that it will be persistent during reboots, type copy run start

Reboot the router by typing reload at the enable prompt.

Now, keep that password in a nice safe place – in your head does not count.  I keep mine saved in a safe place for future retrieval and I make sure my customers have a copy as well.  Remember, passwords are nice until you forget them.

CentOS Cluster-DRBD Setup

As part of a MySQL Cluster setup, I recently setup a 2-node web cluster using CentOS’s native cluster software suite with a twist. The web root was mounted on a DRBD partition in place of periodic file sync’ing. This article focuses on the cluster setup and does not cover the DRBD setup/configuration. Let’s go:

Install “Cluster Storage” group using yum:

[root@host]# yum installgroup “Cluster Storage”

Edit /etc/cluster/cluster.conf: ======================================================
<?xml version=”1.0″?>
<cluster name=”drbd_srv” config_version=”1″>
<cman two_node=”1″ expected_votes=”1″>
<clusternode name=”WEB_Node1″ votes=”1″ nodeid=”1″>
<method name=”single”>
<device name=”human” ipaddr=”″/>
<clusternode name=”WEB_Node2″ votes=”1″ nodeid=”2″>
<method name=”single”>
<device name=”human” ipaddr=”″/>
<fence_device name=”human” agent=”fence_manual”/>

Start the cluster:

[root@host]# service cman start (on both nodes)

To verify proper startup:

[root@host]# cman_tool nodes

Should show:

Node  Sts   Inc   Joined               Name
1   M     16   2009-08-11 22:13:27  WEB_Node1
2   M     24   2009-08-11 22:13:34  WEB_Node2

Status ‘M’ means normal, ‘X’ would mean there is a problem

Edit /etc/lvm/lvm.conf


locking_type = 1


locking_type = 3

and change:

filter = [“a/.*/”]


filter = [ “a|drbd.*|”, “r|.*|” ]

Start clvmd:

[root@host]# service clvmd start (on both nodes)

Set cman and clvmd to start on bootup on both nodes:

[root@host]# chkconfig –level 345 cman on
[root@host]# chkconfig –level 345 clvmd on

Run vgscan:

[root@host]# vgscan

Create a new PV (physical volume) using the drbd block device

[root@host]# pvcreate /dev/drbd1

Create a new VG (volume group) using the drbd block device

[root@host]# vgcreate name-it-something /dev/drbd1 (VolGroup01, for example)

Now when you run vgdisplay, you should see:

— Volume group —
VG Name             VolGroup01
System ID
Format                lvm2
Metadata Areas        1
Metadata Sequence No  1
VG Access             read/write
VG Status             resizable
Clustered             yes
Shared                no
MAX LV                0
Cur LV                0
Open LV               0
Max PV                0
Cur PV                1
Act PV                1
VG Size               114.81 GB
PE Size               4.00 MB
Total PE              29391
Alloc PE / Size       0 / 0
Free  PE / Size       29391 / 114.81 GB
VG UUID               k9TBBF-xdg7-as4a-2F0c-XGTv-M2Wh-CabVXZ

Notice the line that reads “Clustered yes”

Create a LV (logical volume) in the PV that we just created.
**Make sure your drbd nodes are both in primary roles before doing this.

If there is a “Split-Brain detected, dropping connection!” entry in /var/log/messages, then a manual split-brain recovery is necessary.

To manually recover from a split-brain scenario (on the split-brain machine):

[root@host]# drbdadm secondary r0
[root@host]# drbdadm — –discard-my-data connect r0

On verified that both nodes are in primary mode:

On node2:

[root@host]# service clvmd restart

On node1:

[root@host]# lvcreate -l 100%FREE -n gfs VolGroup01

Format the LV with gfs:

[root@host]# mkfs.gfs -p lock_dlm -t drbd_srv:www -j 2 /dev/VolGroup01/gfs (drbd_srv is the cluster name, www is a locking table name)

Start the gfs service (on both nodes):

[root@host]# service gfs start

Set the gfs service to start automatically (on both nodes):

[root@host]# chkconfig –level 345 gfs on

Mount the filesystem (on both nodes):

[root@host]# mount -t gfs /dev/VolGroup01/gfs /srv

Modify the startup sequence as follows:

1) network

2) drbd  (S15)
3) cman  (S21)
4) clvmd (S24)
5) gfs   (S26)

Remove the soft link for shutting down openais (K20openais in runlevel 3 for our install) because shutting down cman does the same.

Modify the shutdown sequence as follows (in reverse order as startup sequence):

1) gfs   (K21)
2) clvmd (K22)
3) cman  (K23)
4) drbd  (K24)

5) network

Reboot each server to test availability of gfs filesystem during reboot.


If one node’s drbd status is showing:

version: 8.2.6 (api:88/proto:86-88)
GIT-hash: 3e69822d3bb4920a8c1bfdf7d647169eba7d2eb4 build by buildsvn@c5-x8664-build, 2008-10-03 11:30:17

1: cs:StandAlone st:Primary/Unknown ds:UpToDate/DUnknown   r—
ns:0 nr:0 dw:40 dr:845 al:1 bm:3 lo:0 pe:0 ua:0 ap:0 oos:12288

and the other node is showing:

version: 8.2.6 (api:88/proto:86-88)
GIT-hash: 3e69822d3bb4920a8c1bfdf7d647169eba7d2eb4 build by buildsvn@c5-x8664-build, 2008-10-03 11:30:17

1: cs:WFConnection st:Primary/Unknown ds:UpToDate/DUnknown C r—
ns:0 nr:0 dw:56 dr:645 al:3 bm:2 lo:0 pe:0 ua:0 ap:0 oos:8200

Also, the node with cs:WFConnection in the status field should have the gfs filesystem mounted.

Then, there is a drbd sync issue.  To solve this, just restart the gfs cluster services on the node with “cs:Standalone” in the status field by:

1) service clvmd stop
2) service cman stop
3) service drbd restart

Verify you see Primary/Primary in the st: section of the drbd status (cat /proc/drbd)

4) service cman start
5) service clvmd start
6) service gfs start

Combine Multiple RSS Feeds Using PHP

Need to track and combine multiple RSS feeds? This script will allow you to add RSS feeds from multiple sites and integrate them into yours dynamically. Feel free to use and modify the code below for your own website. Need help with the script? We offer php and web devlopement.

// simple timeout in seconds
$timeout = 2;

// variable to be used later
$xml_string = “”;

// let’s open the socket to the RSS feed
$fp = @fsockopen(“feeds.warhammeronline.com”, 80, $errno, $errstr, $timeout);

// check to see if the fsockopen returned a valid resource
if ($fp) {
// now that we have a valid resource, let’s request the data that we need
fwrite($fp, “GET /warherald/RSSFeed.war?type=current HTTP/1.0\r\n”);
fwrite($fp, “Host: feeds.warhammeronline.com\r\n”);
fwrite($fp, “Connection: Close\r\n\r\n”);

// let’s wait until data becomes available within the stream
stream_set_blocking($fp, TRUE);

// but let’s only wait for a specific amount of time

// get the header/meta data to use, currently we are just using this to see if we timeout or not
$info = stream_get_meta_data($fp);

// while there is still data in the stream and we haven’t timedout, then get the next bit of data
while ((!feof($fp)) && (!$info[‘timed_out’])) {

// get the next line in the stream
$xml_string .= fgets($fp, 4096);

// get the header/meta data to use, currently we are just using this to see if we timeout or not
$info = stream_get_meta_data($fp);

// this isn’t required, but I like to send the data to the browser as soon as possible

// we are done with the stream, so get rid of it

// we timed out, so let the user know, if you want
if ($info[‘timed_out’]) {
echo “Warhammer News feed – Connection timed out”;
} else {
// we need to strip off the initial part of the stream that we don’t need, we just want the XML from the RSS feed
$xml_string = substr($xml_string, strpos($xml_string, ‘<‘));

// we are using the built in php function to parse the xml
// and convert it into an object we can use
$xml = simplexml_load_string($xml_string);

// check to see if the object was created from the RSS feed
if (!is_object($xml)) {
echo “Warhammer News feed – Error converting xml”;
} else {
// this section, is a bit hardcoded for this particular RSS feed,
// but basically, you just walk the XML tree as an object

// here we are looping through all the children of this particular parent
foreach($xml->channel->item as $key) {
// variable to use later
$temp_title = $key->title;
$link = $key->link;

// I don’t always have enough room on the page to show the
// entire title of the RSS feed, so I am just limiting it here
// and then adding 3 dots (…) to show that the title is longer than displayed
$title = str_replace(‘-‘, ”, substr($key->title, 0, 25)) . “…”;

// display it to the page, even though the text of the link will be
// limited to a specific number of characters
// when you roll over it with your mouse, it will show the full title
// in the little popup that is built into the href tag
echo “<li><a href=’$link’ target=’_blank’ title=’$temp_title’>$title</a></li>”;

// we are done, so get rid of it
$xml = NULL;

Adding Pseudo-TTY Support in CentOS

Recently, I had a customer in the banking industry that needed legacy pseudo tty support on their servers. This article describes the process of adding pseudo tty support in the CentOS kernel. In addition, I describe how to create a customer kernel RPM for easy distribution to other servers.

Let’s get started:
Download source kernel RPM from http://mirror.centos.org/centos/5/updates/SRPMS
Install the source RPM:

[root@host]# rpm -Uvh kernel-.el5.src.rpm

Unpack sources:

[root@host]# cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS

For kernels < 2.6.18-164: rpmbuild -bp –target=`uname -m` kernel-2.6.spec
For kernels >= 2.6.18-164: rpmbuild -bp –target=`uname -m` –without fips kernel-2.6.spec

Copy current kernel config to source tree

[root@host]# cd /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/kernel-2.6.18/linux-2.6.18.i686
[root@host]# cp /boot/config-`uname -r` .config
[root@host]# make oldconfig

edit the .config file and add:


after the line:


Delete the line:

Otherwise, the kernel won’t be compiled with PTY support!!

Also, add a line immediately at the top of the file reflecting your architecuture:

# i386


# x86_64

Save changes

Copy the new .config file to the source directory:

[root@host]# cp .config /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/kernel-2.6.18-i686-PAE.config (or whatever the architecture/configuration is)

Modify the /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/kernel-2.6.spec file to customize the new kernel by uncommenting and editing this line (add .pty to it):

%define buildid .pty

Save changes

Build the new kernel RPM:

[root@host]# cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS
For kernels < 2.6.18-164: [root@host]# rpmbuild -bb –target=`uname -m` kernel-2.6.spec
For kernels >= 2.6.18-164: [root@host]# rpmbuild -bb –target=`uname -m` –without fips kernel-2.6.spec
Add the following switches to rpmbuild

for PAE only:

–without up –without xen –without debug –without debuginfo

for Base only:

–with baseonly –without debug –without debuginfo

For more info, visit wiki.centos.org/HowTos/Custom_Kernel

Once finished, install the new kernel:

[root@host]# rpm -ivh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/`uname -m`/name-of-new-kernel-rpm.rpm